Forums - Rate my New Trap for MvC2!!! Show all 33 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Rate my New Trap for MvC2!!! ( Posted by NJzFinest on 06:15:2001 06:43 PM: Rate my New Trap for MvC2!!! hi everyone i have discovered a new trap. i call it the NJFTrap. it is done with Akuma and Spiral Beta Assist. first they need to be in the corner. you call spiral and throw out a fireball. they need to block it or get hit because if they try to jump over with a superjump they will get hit by spiral throwing her swords upwards. and if they normal jump at you you can do a jab dragonpunch to knock them back and recover. isnt this great? NJFTrap!!! TOO POWERFUL!!! Posted by ThugginPinoy on 06:15:2001 06:47 PM: fucking gay, that ain't a trap. just teleport out of the corner, w/strider, spiral, anybody w/a teleport. Posted by NJzFinest on 06:15:2001 06:50 PM: quote: Originally posted by ThugginPinoy fucking gay, that ain't a trap. just teleport out of the corner, w/strider, spiral, anybody w/a teleport. it is too a trap. NJFTrap!!! Posted by NJzFinest on 06:15:2001 07:32 PM: no one is rating... it must be that good Posted by Shuzer on 06:15:2001 08:10 PM: Way too powerful. Best trap in the game! Strider/Doom ain't shit no more, just got faded by Akuma/Spiral. Posted by NJzFinest on 06:15:2001 08:20 PM: quote: Originally posted by Shuzer Way too powerful. Best trap in the game! Strider/Doom ain't shit no more, just got faded by Akuma/Spiral. really? thanks man. glad to see some smart people on the forums Posted by dragonkahn on 06:15:2001 09:05 PM: *NJzFinest gets dragon in corner. He tries to trap with Akuma/Spiral "trap". I pushblock. The trap is broken. End of trap.* Posted by jlepore on 06:15:2001 09:17 PM: can you say ahvb? Posted by captainsaveahoe on 06:15:2001 09:44 PM: Can you say "NO TRAP" Posted by StiltMan on 06:15:2001 10:07 PM: Let's see here... what, of any, of the serious tournament teams are going to worry about this? Spiral/Cable/Sentinel? Regardless of who's on point, Akuma is toast. Spiral can either inundate Akuma's fireball with her own knives or she can call Sentinel to do the same and load up with a simple jump. Cable can call Sentinel or Spiral to ignore the knives and probably will get several chances to AHVB this. Sentinel will never need to be on point because Spiral and Cable will have long since killed Akuma by the time it gets back to him, but on the off chance that he does, either his crouching fierce, drones, or HSF will blast through the whole pile. Strider/Doom/Commando? Doom's rocks will win out over the fireball, and Akuma's rarely going to have the chance to move far enough to throw it in the first place. Strider OCVs the team. BH/Sentinel/Commando? BH can throw demons or Sentinel at will to get past it, or call Commando to blow both Spiral and Akuma into next week. For Sentinel, see above under the Spiral team. Doom/Cable/BH? Akuma's fireball does go under the jumping fierce from Doom, but this won't stop Doom from raining photons all day together with Blackheart. See Spiral team again for what Cable's going to do. BH will be using Doom's rocks instead of Sentinel's drones, but again, no threat at all. Magneto/Storm/Psylocke? Storm-A cuts through Akuma's fireball for free, Magneto rushes that shit down. Next. Cable/Storm/Psylocke? See above stuff... recombined elements will all basically work. Cable AHVBs, Storm-A leaves Akuma as absolutely no threat. If you've got Spiral and Akuma together and you aren't starting Spiral against this team, you're doing something profoundly stupid. "Not powerful at all..." Posted by Super Saiyan Cable on 06:15:2001 10:32 PM: wow.. THis sure is funny on how people are taking this thread serious --------------------------------------------------------- it seems that most of the people replying here do not know what they're dealing with, this is a legitimate trap. this cant be broken it is 10000000000times better then any of the gay flawed crap listed here(striderdoom,sprial semtimel,magstormpswylocke,calbe blaskherat and idr. doom)( strider doom trap only works if doom has alot of levels then traps with striderhiryu's projectile assist. striderr does have good defense, i'll gidve you that, but dr,doo.m doesnt do anything ecxept his fireball on the ground wich spiral swords upwards will beat. mag sotm psylocke is okay. psylocke projelctile assist is very good and sets up a lot of compos 22hitters. and psolcke is thae best at wavedasheing 2nd only to iron man.storm is good at doing her lighting super for chipp damage and magneto is aawesome for keep away (hypergrav,hypergrav,hypergravhypergrav,hypergrav, hypergravhypergr av,hypergrav,hypergravhypergrav,hypergrav,hyperg ravhypergrav,hypergra v,hypergrav) and cable bh doom is okay only cause of cable's super buildeing as a battery, his timeflip takes off atleast 28.234435% of your life so there hahaha. and blahckherat cable trap is easy too, just do cable variety assist and keep pushing kick button as fast as possible. doom is no good, i'd switch him for akuma. akuma=raging demon uh okay that's strong? yes it is all akuma has to do is do the hurricane kick then call in sprila assist. and then do ragingi demon...!!!!!! okay??? i hope that explainged it for you dumbies P.s.= duc uses akuma and he's won tourneys before +there's this guy who's good with akuma in STREET FIGHTER ALPHA Part Three, he, is, good, with, akuma ucing the V-ism combo supers. So uh.. duh akuma = youre dead. thakn you ohyeah anyone who thinks im joking're ...uh ...dumb so dont even...uh ...o...kay???? im as serious as NJzFinest was in his first post laters you MVC2(Marvel Versus Capcom two) players Posted by Ouroborus on 06:16:2001 01:02 AM: wow. damn, 100x more useful than the IM infinity, AHVB, HSF, Strider/doom trap. the most powerful thing that happened in MvC2 since servbot Posted by CaptainCanada on 06:16:2001 03:11 AM: I don't think this even qualifies as a trap. Traps usually involve a situation where you can't just pushblock to escape it, because there's always "shit filling up the screen." Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:16:2001 03:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus wow. damn, 100x more useful than the IM infinity, AHVB, HSF, Strider/doom trap. the most powerful thing that happened in MvC2 since servbot LOL Posted by blacheart576 on 06:16:2001 03:45 AM: i could think of a better trap than that with servebot and! your trap isnt even a trap Posted by mixup on 06:16:2001 04:31 AM: None of you have any idea at all that THE future of marvel has just started on this very thread.....TOO POWERFUL!!!!!!! Posted by NJzFinest on 06:16:2001 04:47 AM: the trap is WAY TOO POWERFUL!!! anyone who voted for anything else is a dumbass. you want an asswhoopin dont you? well i will be in a tournament on saturday in University Pinball Arcade in Philadelphia to demonstrate the power of this trap. if any doubters are going to this tournament you can start repenting now. you'll all be Akuma/Spiral's bitches. NJFTrap!!! OH! TOO POWERFUL!!! Posted by Ouroborus on 06:16:2001 05:03 AM: quote: Originally posted by NJzFinest the trap is WAY TOO POWERFUL!!! anyone who voted for anything else is a dumbass. you want an asswhoopin dont you? well i will be in a tournament on saturday in University Pinball Arcade in Philadelphia to demonstrate the power of this trap. if any doubters are going to this tournament you can start repenting now. you'll all be Akuma/Spiral's bitches. NJFTrap!!! OH! TOO POWERFUL!!! i got a better trap for akuma: keep throwing out fireballs, if your opponent jumps at you do his dragon punch. yep thats about it. Posted by NJzFinest on 06:16:2001 05:04 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus i got a better trap for akuma: keep throwing out fireballs, if your opponent jumps at you do his dragon punch. yep thats about it. nah mine is classier Posted by dragonkahn on 06:16:2001 05:07 AM: That trap can't compete against my Ruby Heart/M. Bison trap!!! HAHAHA!!! Posted by Spider_Sting on 06:16:2001 05:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Ouroborus i got a better trap for akuma: keep throwing out fireballs, if your opponent jumps at you do his dragon punch. yep thats about it. LOL The good ol days of SF2 Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 05:14 AM: Ruby/Bison?? DUDE YOU DIDN'T STEAL MY TRAP DID YOU?! lol....anyway that trap is poo....any AAA will fix that. Posted by Mung714 on 06:16:2001 05:18 AM: hey, you could be cooler with that trap and use morrigan instead of akuma. Anyway, i have a better trap step 1: Select Roll, Thanos, and Shuma. step 2: use roll as point step 3: use shuma's mystic smash assist and continue to taunt with roll step: if thanos is i you team( as long as yu don't us him) this trap will work. Othewise your screwed Posted by dragonkahn on 06:16:2001 05:21 AM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K Ruby/Bison?? DUDE YOU DIDN'T STEAL MY TRAP DID YOU?! lol....anyway that trap is poo....any AAA will fix that. Well, I'm not sure if you came up with it or I did. Either way, I discovered it for myself. Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 05:23 AM: what is your trap anyway? Posted by dragonkahn on 06:16:2001 05:27 AM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K what is your trap anyway? c.LK + Bison Psycho Bomb assist, c.LK, c.HK xx Sublimation, Psycho Bomb explodes, Sublimation, wavedash in, repeat. Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 05:32 AM: Hmm..I tried that, but by the time I do the second c.LK c.HK, Bison's ball still hasn't exploded, guess my Ruby's too upbeat lol. Here's mine: c.LK + Bison assist c.LK c.HK xx sublimation xx lk ghost (Ball explodes) fp fireball up-forward xx down-forward (a bootleg triangle jump if you will, unless in a corner), repeat. I'm gonna try yours again and try to pace myself better. I play my Ruby like a cross between Magnus and Strider so i'll have to get adjusted lol. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:16:2001 05:42 AM: Rushdown Ruby lol. Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 05:44 AM: HELL YEAH BRO lol Posted by ShoFunaki on 06:16:2001 06:27 AM: Thats a trap? Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 05:58 PM: I've been AAA'ed out of it because I screwed it up a few times, but when I get a rhythm going, no one gets out. Posted by dragonkahn on 06:16:2001 06:16 PM: quote: Originally posted by Stuc2K I've been AAA'ed out of it because I screwed it up a few times, but when I get a rhythm going, no one gets out. Yeah, you should maintain a pace of equilibrium. It shouldn't be too fast, otherwise you'll leave gaps allowing him to call out his AAA. You shouldn't be too slow at pushing the buttons either, which will obviously allow him to call out his AAA also. So, in other words, try to do it as slow as possible w/o leaving gaps. Posted by Stuc2K on 06:16:2001 06:55 PM: exactly, but either Kahn's or mine are indeed traps All times are GMT. The time now is 10:11 PM. 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